Admissions Overview

Thank you for your interest in Saint Ignatius Loyola School, a PreK-3 through Eighth Grade 2011 and 2018 Blue Ribbon School within the Archdiocese of New York.  Since its founding in 1854, Saint Ignatius Loyola School has been an academically challenging and supportive learning environment rooted in Catholic faith and tradition and a school that places the needs of the whole child at the highest priority.

Each year, we seek to enroll qualified students of all faiths into our PreK-3 through Seventh Grade classes, based upon a variety of criteria including teacher recommendations, school records, child assessments, and for Kindergarten through Seventh Grades, an assessment based on the Common Core Learning Standards in reading, writing and math. Assessments are administered in person, on the Lower Campus for PreK-3 through Kindergarten, and the Upper Campus for First through Seventh Grades. 

Please explore the admissions section of the website and contact the director of admissions for more information. Thank you again for your interest in Saint Ignatius Loyola School.  We look forward to meeting your family.

Ana M. Zuck, Director of Admissions and High School Placement 
212-861-3820, Ext. 106